DIY Book Trees

As I was swooning over decorating ideas on HGTV over the weekend, I decided I wanted to try some myself. I am a sucker for anything that has a vintage or rustic look to it, and since these incorporated book pages it really spoke to the English teacher in me. I think the hardest part of this project was deciding which pages to sacrifice for it! Otherwise, a super easy (and reasonable) diy!


Styrafoam cones

An old book


Hot glue

Step one:

Pull out book pages and cut in a zig-zagged fashion.

Step two:

Hot glue the cut-out pages around Styrofoam, layering all the way up as you go. That’s it!

At the very end, I curled the edges with a pencil, but you could also leave them straight and layered. Either way, I think they made the perfect addition to our Christmas decor this year!